Thyroid Help

Thyroid Help in Greenville SC

When a person suffers from a thyroid problem, the most important factor will be figuring out exactly what is causing it. Thyroid problems can be caused by environmental factors, genetic traits or a combination of the two. Correcting the cause is imperative to fixing the thyroid, otherwise problems will continue to manifest in a variety of ways. When seeking thyroid help be sure to work with a doctor who will identify the cause instead of simply treating the symptoms.

One of the most common causes of thyroid problems is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. In this condition, the body actually attacks the thyroid gland, hindering it from producing its hormones. It is important to manage this autoimmune condition as quickly as possible in order to prevent permanent damage.

While synthetic hormones can be prescribed to help with issues, there are also all-natural ways to manage Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. One way is by switching to a gluten-free diet. While studies on the effectiveness of this diet are relatively new, it is suggested that a gluten-free diet can prevent the autoimmune factors that produce glandular death. This is because, in celiac patients on this diet, thyroid problems were shown to progress much slower than in other patients. While this is not necessarily a cure, it does show that through simple diet changes, a person can impede the attack on the thyroid.

Another way to find thyroid help is through a specific exercise regimen. When a person exercises, it stimulates hormone production throughout the body. In turn, this stimulates the thyroid. By forcing the thyroid to work harder, it can lead to a strengthening of the gland that may help it return to normal. By working with a doctor familiar with treating thyroid conditions, they can devise a workout plan specific for your needs. This will ensure that you do not over-exert yourself or cause additional health problems.

Supplements can also be added to the diet to help stimulate thyroid production. A natural supplement like cod liver oil is high in Omega 3 fatty acids and iodine, two important nutrients for the thyroid. A doctor can recommend other all-natural supplements that can help make any nutritional defects in the body. Through a blood and saliva test, a doctor can identify nutrients lacking in the body and find a way to get their levels back to normal.

With lifestyle changes and all-natural remedies, it is possible to manage Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and other thyroid problems without harmful synthetic drugs. Find a doctor who will devise a plan specific to your needs and inform you of any health problems you may have. This way, you can not only get your thyroid healthy, but your body as a whole. This holistic treatment has been shown to produce dividends in patients’ happiness and well-being.

If you are tired of the lingering problems caused by thyroid problems, contact a doctor who is educated and experienced in working with thyroid problems.

Schedule your thyroid consultation today and learn how we may be able to help your thyroid symptoms.