BEST Low Thyroid Management in Greenville SC
If you have low thyroid or hypothyroidism, it’s possible you may have Hashimoto’s, too. The two are closely linked; it can be difficult to determine whether your symptoms are due to one condition or the other. In some medical offices, low thyroid and Hashimoto’s are typically managed the same way. But they are different and it’s important to address the differences if you want to best manage your health.
Low thyroid or hypothyroidism refers to sluggish thyroid function. Something is going on that is causing your thyroid to fail to produce enough thyroid hormones.Don’t assume that just because you’re told you have low thyroid, the thyroid is the problem. It could be thyroid hormone is not being transported to cells as needed, or it’s not being converted properly. Thyroid hormone has to be converted to a usable form before it can serve its functions.
Another possibility is that your cells are resistant to thyroid hormone, or you could have a hormone uptake problem. The name low thyroid suggests ‘low thyroid function,’ but there is a lot that has to be evaluated for the condition to be properly understood and effectively managed.
Hashimoto’s disease can cause low thyroid, but it is not the same thing. It is an autoimmune condition. The body’s immune system mistakenly attacks thyroid tissue or enzymes. This disrupts thyroid function and can result in a low thyroid condition or symptoms of low thyroid. As an autoimmune condition, it’s very important that it be managed properly.
A thorough evaluation for Hashimoto’s will go far beyond testing to see if you have it. It will include testing to determine why you have the condition, including what’s contributing to it in the form of dysfunctions or imbalances in the body, how it is impacting your health beyond damage to the thyroid, and what is triggering autoimmune flares that bring on discomforting symptoms.
Practitioners in standard medicine do not regularly test low thyroid patients for Hashimoto’s disease. One reason is, they do not typically manage the condition any differently than low thyroid. Low thyroid patients are typically put on synthetic thyroid hormone for management of their thyroid problem. This is the same approach used for Hashimoto’s, so it makes little difference in traditional medicine whether you have the autoimmune disease or not.
Unfortunately, medication rarely helps patients who have Hashimoto’s feel better or achieve their best possible health. They continue to suffer with symptoms and are likely to feel worse over time as the disease progresses. If you have low thyroid and you’re still struggling with symptoms even while you’re on thyroid medication, consider consulting with a functional wellness practitioner.
You’ll be fully and properly evaluated for low thyroid and Hashimoto’s, and a plan of care that is customized, natural, and effective will be developed for you. You can look forward to feeling better and enjoying optimal wellness for years to come, as you’ll learn to effectively manage the conditions that are affecting your health.