Common Symptoms of Thyroid Dysfunction

Greenville SC Thyroid Clinic Explains – Common Symptoms of Thyroid Dysfunction

It’s estimated that 27 million people in the U.S. have some form of thyroid disorder, and some 13 million of these cases, go undiagnosed.  Thyroid problems are so often misdiagnosed, it’s also estimated by physicians that one in 5 Americans may suffer from undetected low thyroid. Given the prevalence and extent of thyroid conditions and the likelihood of them remaining undetected, it makes sense to be aware of symptoms that may indicate you have a thyroid problem…despite what your physician may tell you.

The thyroid gland is responsible for the production of hormones, which regulate body metabolism. Because of the control these hormones have on metabolism and virtually all processes in the body, they’re essential to good health. When there is a thyroid disorder or dysfunction, the result may be either too much production of hormones (hyperthyroidism), or too little (hypothyroidism). Either condition may result in symptoms, and sometimes both conditions may occur alternately, such that symptoms fluctuate from one end of the spectrum to another.

Some of the most common symptoms of thyroid dysfunction include:

  • Weight gain, or inability to lose weight
  • Insomnia
  • Nervousness and anxiety
  • Increased bowel activity
  • Night sweats
  • Hair loss
  • Dry skin or scalp
  • Headaches
  • Muscle aches

Other symptoms may include brain fog or the inability to concentrate, and frequent infections that indicate immune disorders or issues.

Looking at the list of common thyroid symptoms, it’s easy to see why symptoms may go undetected by not only physicians, but also patients themselves. Many people are unaware, symptoms may vary widely, from one extreme to another.

Another challenge related to detecting thyroid conditions based on symptoms is the subtlety with which they may occur. A dramatic, unexplained weight loss may be cause for concern and recognized as a reason to seek medical care. However, a more gradual loss—especially by someone who is moderately overweight—may be considered a cause for celebration rather than a possible indication of a health problem.

It’s also very common for patients and physicians to attribute some thyroid symptoms to the ‘normal’ process of aging. Thinning hair, weight gain, aches and pains and a lack of energy may be considered something the patient simply has to get used to. In women approaching menopausal age, pre-menopause may be blamed for night sweats, moodiness, or sleep problems.

Paying close attention to how you feel and how it is affecting your lifestyle is always important, but it’s especially important if you suspect you have a thyroid problem. Seeking out the help of a practitioner who is experienced in thyroid disorders is the best way to ensure, if you do have a problem, it won’t go undetected. Functional wellness practitioners are able to assess the condition of your health including your thyroid, in-depth. Then, you can undergo specific, natural and safe therapies that can help restore your thyroid and metabolic function for optimal health.

Schedule your thyroid consultation today and learn how we may be able to help your thyroid symptoms.