Help For Thyroid Conditions

Help For Thyroid Conditions in Greenville SC You suffer from headaches multiple times a week. You have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep the whole night. You suffer from fatigue that often makes it hard to function throughout the day. You often feel anxious or depressed about your health and your life. You have unexplained…
What Causes Low Thyroid?

Greenville SC Thyroid Doctor Answers – What Causes Low Thyroid? The thyroid is a small butterfly shaped gland that is located at the base of your neck. This tiny but powerful gland is responsible for making the hormones that regulate metabolism, control temperature sensitivity, and regulate growth and development. Hypothyroidism, or low thyroid, occurs when…
Important Thyroid Information

Important Thyroid Information from Greenville SC Thyroid Doctor Chronic low energy, difficulty losing excess weight, sleep problems and other thyroid symptoms happen for a reason. If you’re still struggling with health issues despite taking thyroid medication, it may be time to try something more. Thyroid replacement, antidepressants, sleeping pills and other medications are not the…
Natural Thyroid Care

Natural Thyroid Care in Greenville SC Very often, when you are told that you have a new health condition it makes you wonder how it will affect your body. You may have many questions, such as how long you will have the condition, whether or not you will have to take a prescription medication, and…
Help for Improved Thyroid Function

Help for Improved Thyroid Function in Greenville SC If you are interested in helping your thyroid to thrive and to function most effectively, it is essential that you do two things. First, you must exercise. Now don’t start groaning or dismiss the idea of exercise. Stop formulating excuses in your mind, and instead open your…
Why is TSH Not The Best Indicator of Thyroid Problems?

Greenville SC Thyroid Doctor Answers – Why is TSH Not The Best Indicator of Thyroid Problems? In most cases when you go to your medical physician for help with a thyroid problem, they will give you a TSH test. This test will take a sample of your blood to determine how much of the “thyroid…