Help For Thyroid Conditions

Help For Thyroid Conditions in Greenville SC

You suffer from headaches multiple times a week. You have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep the whole night. You suffer from fatigue that often makes it hard to function throughout the day. You often feel anxious or depressed about your health and your life. You have unexplained aches and pains that really don’t go away even with medication.

If any of these scenarios sound familiar it would appear pretty easy to attribute them to stress or other situations going on in your life, right? However, did you know that all of these are symptoms of a thyroid disorder? And these are only a few of the symptoms that a person with thyroid dysfunction may experience. It is estimated that 60% of people with a thyroid disorder don’t even realize that they have a thyroid condition. The bad news is that if your condition is left mismanaged, your symptoms will get progressively worse. For many people these situations can become very debilitating and greatly affect their daily lives.

Traditional medicine has a standard protocol for care for thyroid conditions and that is to test TSH levels. If levels are normal, no further treatment is offered and patients are told they’re fine. If levels are not within normal limits, patients are prescribed thyroid hormone replacement medication. Sounds pretty straightforward, however there are a few problems with this model for care.

  1. There are actually at least six different thyroid markers that should be checked in order to effectively diagnose a thyroid disorder. This means that your TSH levels may appear “normal” but you could actually still have a thyroid disorder. 2) Thyroid medication only effectively serves one of the six thyroid markers. This means that you could be taking medication and still suffering from symptoms of thyroid. Both of these scenarios occur because the root cause of thyroid disorder is being overlooked. This also explains why so many thyroid conditions remain undiagnosed, or are misdiagnosed.

While some doctors in traditional medicine are not trained to look beyond TSH levels, functional wellness practitioners are. These practitioners have specialized training in how all of the body systems work together, and they understand that they need to look at the whole picture before making a diagnosis. Functional wellness providers begin all of their patients’ care with comprehensive physical evaluation and lab testing. They are looking to find where the imbalances are occurring in your body systems so that they can offer therapies and lifestyle changes to help correct them.

When you work with a functional wellness provider you can expect customized care that is safe, natural and effective. You will have a partner and advocate for attaining your optimum health.

Schedule your FREE thyroid consultation today and learn how we may be able to help your thyroid symptoms.