BEST Care for Hashimoto’s Patients in Greenville SC
Are you searching for a healthcare provider who can help you manage Hashimoto’s disease? Comprehensive care for this autoimmune condition goes beyond taking medication for low thyroid or for symptom management. It involves seeking out the causes of the autoimmune response, and then taking targeted steps to minimize it as much as possible. It also involves therapeutic support for systems throughout the body that have been affected by your condition.
Functional wellness care is an excellent choice for Hashimoto’s patients who want to feel better and minimize further damage to their thyroid gland. With the right therapeutic support, autoimmune flare-ups can be managed. Although there is no cure for Hashimoto’s disease, it is possible to achieve much better health and a very high level of symptom management, improving your quality of life along the way.
The type of care provided by a functional wellness practitioner is quite different than what most patients receive within mainstream medicine. To start with, the evaluation process is in-depth and comprehensive. Hashimoto’s is a complex condition that can involve and affect multiple systems in the body. Dysfunction or disease in your gastrointestinal system, nervous system, reproductive and cardiovascular systems all may be involved, and that’s not all. The only way to find out is through testing.
Functional wellness practitioners run many more tests than conventional healthcare providers typically do. They also devote a large amount of time to speaking with patients about their health history, their symptoms and how they are feeling. It is all part of an investigation process that leads to answers about exactly what is going on with the patient’s health and condition and why.
After a comprehensive evaluation and analysis of all test results, a functional wellness practitioner develops a customized therapeutic support plan for every patient. No two patients who have Hashimoto’s disease are exactly alike physiologically. Each individual needs care that supports her own condition uniquely.
Care that is customized helps the patient feel better as quickly and efficiently as possible, because the specific causes of symptoms are addressed. Results are measurable. Therapeutic support facilitates lasting solutions as it improves or restores function throughout the patient’s body.
If you have Hashimoto’s disease, it’s crucial that you receive the right care. You don’t have to suffer or struggle with symptoms that interfere with your ability to work and to complete daily activities. Your quality of life can be improved, and further damage to your thyroid can be minimized.
As a Hashimoto’s patient, you may be at risk for a wide range of potential health problems. The best way to protect against additional health problems is to seek out effective care for your condition today.