Underactive Thyroid Care

Underactive Thyroid Care in Greenville SC

An underactive thyroid can result in many different symptoms, because the thyroid is involved in physiological processes throughout the entire body. Hormones produced by the thyroid gland affect almost every type of cell in the body. You may know that the thyroid is associated with energy production and use. But effective thyroid care has to address much more than issues with metabolism. To look and feel your best, you need care for all of the imbalances and dysfunctions that are affecting your health and wellness as a result of underactive thyroid.

A practitioner who is educated in functional wellness care can provide therapeutic support for low thyroid conditions that is comprehensive. In standard medicine, individuals with underactive thyroid are often put on medications aimed at balancing thyroid hormone levels. Ultimately, it is very important to achieve such balance. Yet the best way to do so isn’t necessarily through drug therapy. Instead, the root cause of the thyroid imbalance can be identified and addressed, so balance may be brought about naturally and sustained.

Functional wellness care approaches chronic health conditions differently than standard medicine. To start, the evaluation process is much more in-depth. Functional wellness care practitioners spend a lot of time on history taking, so they can learn everything that may be affecting the individual’s health. This includes medical history across a lifetime, lifestyle, and detailed information about symptoms and how the patient feels. Detailed history-taking requires a lot of time and careful attention.

In addition to in-depth history taking, functional wellness care practitioners utilize a variety of tests in their evaluations to determine exactly what is going on with the patient’s health. There may be a variety of factors causing or affecting the individual. Thyroid problems may involve poor gut health, autoimmune issues, adrenal stress, liver dysfunction, imbalance among all the hormones, problems with brain function and much more. Minimal blood work cannot provide full information on everything that is happening in the body’s various systems in relation to thyroid dysfunction. Comprehensive testing can.

A thorough evaluation provides functional wellness care providers with answers. Once it is clear why you feel the way you do, it’s then possible to begin a program of care that can help you heal. As imbalances and dysfunctions are addressed through customized therapeutic support, symptoms fade. You’ll look and feel your best again. No matter how long you’ve struggled with symptoms or how debilitating they may be, it is very likely you can feel much better once the root causes of your condition are finally managed.

Functional wellness care involves a partnership between practitioner and patient. Very specific adjustments to lifestyle often need to be made to improve underactive thyroid conditions. This may include changes to diet, exercise and sleep habits. Nutritional support and an effective strategy for stress management may be necessary. Education about why changes are necessary and exactly how they will help you recover and heal are a part of the care functional wellness practitioners provide. You will learn how to heal and thrive in optimal health and how to stay healthy and well long term.

Schedule your FREE thyroid consultation today and learn how we may be able to help your thyroid symptoms.