Natural Ways To Help Low Thyroid

Natural Ways To Help Low Thyroid in Greenville SC

Low thyroid medications are taken by many people on a daily basis, and while some choose to take this because they want it, others simply take it because they feel there are no other alternatives. However, natural solutions for low thyroid problems are out there, and they have helped improve the quality of life for many individuals suffering from hypothyroidism. And although it may be easy to find success stories of what natural options others have had success with online, it’s important to address the needs of your individual health. How can you do this? The first step is to meet with a functional wellness practitioner.

These care providers are unique because they don’t prescribe thyroid drugs to their patients. Instead, they are driven to find natural solutions that are based on each individual’s specific health problems. Some of these natural solutions include:

Nutrition Counseling

If your body is low in nutrients like iodine or selenium, your thyroid problem is never going to get better with just prescription drugs. Instead, natural nutrient intake will be recommended to help balance out those deficiencies. The exact amount of nutrients you need can be determined through testing from a care provider like a wellness practitioner.

Addressing Hashimoto’s Disease

Hashimoto’s disease causes the immune system to attack the thyroid, which deteriorates it over time. Fortunately there are a lot of solutions you can take advantage of to help with this, but first you need to find out whether or not you’re affected by Hashimoto’s disease. A functional wellness practitioner can help you with this, because they have the proper testing to do it.

Reduce Stress Stress is a big contributor to low thyroid problems for many people, so it’s important to try and reduce it as much as you can. This could be through meditation, exercise or anything else you find that helps.

Change Your Diet

The food you eat can greatly affect your thyroid function, especially if you’re allergic to something. Again, this is where comprehensive testing will come in handy. It will point out any allergies to foods that you have, but it can also show whether your diet is causing any imbalances that contribute to thyroid dysfunctions.

Check for a Healthy Gut

If you don’t have a balanced supply of intestinal bacteria, then your thyroid may not be able to function at the highest level. First, you have to have testing done to determine where your levels are at.

These are just some examples of the many low thyroid solutions that are available today. In order to take advantage of any of these, you first need to know what’s going on with your body. Fortunately a wellness practitioner can give you the necessary testing so you can start addressing the problem rather than the symptoms. With their natural approach to thyroid care you may be able to avoid the prescription drug route so you can focus on improving your health the way you want.

Schedule your thyroid consultation today and learn how we may be able to help your thyroid symptoms.