Greenville SC Natural Solutions For Underactive Thyroid
If you have recently been told that you have a low, or underactive, thyroid you may have been told that you have to take a prescription medication to replace the hormone that your thyroid is not making. Perhaps you are feeling concern about the medication. Will you have to take it for life? Are there side effects? Is it expensive?
These are questions which can be best answered by a functional wellness practitioner. They can best advise you in this area. But perhaps you want to know if there is anything you can do naturally, at home, that can help to boost your sluggish thyroid. Again, this is a question which is best answered by your healthcare provider, because they know the details about your individual case of low thyroid.
But you don’t need to feel discouraged. There are a few things that you can do at home which have the potential to benefit your underactive thyroid. If you are uncertain, ask your healthcare provider for their input and guidance, of course.
First, let’s talk about exercise. Everyone can benefit from exercise, but people with underactive thyroids especially need to exercise, because the thyroid controls the metabolism. If your thyroid is slow and sluggish, your metabolism might be too. Exercise can help to keep things moving.
Many people see exercise as a chore, or something to be avoided, but it doesn’t have to be that way. As long as you are keeping your heart rate elevated for at least 20 minutes, at least three times per week, you are making a positive impact on your health. Some people say they do not have money for a gym membership, or they don’t have the time in their busy schedules to go to the gym, and those two statements might be true. But there are free ways to get exercise. You can turn on a radio and dance in the privacy of your home to songs that you like and really get you moving.
Before you know it, those 20 minutes have passed and you may even want to keep dancing longer. You can take walks, weather permitting. If you have a dog, they will benefit from daily walking as well. Another form of exercise might be seen as less fun than the previous ones listed, but they can help to beautify your yard and save you money as well. Does your yard need mowing, or weed whacking, or your lawn’s edges trimmed? Do you need to rake your leaves or trim your bushes?
It isn’t necessarily enjoyable to do yard work, but if you do a new task each day or so, you won’t be overwhelmed. You also have the added benefit of saving money because you don’t have to pay a lawn service to do it. This is helpful when times and budgets are tight, and you can have a sense of pride in your yard, knowing that you did it, helping your yard look attractive, while helping your budget and your health all at the same time.
Before you begin any exercise, make sure to clear it with your healthcare provider in case you are restricted from certain types of exercise. Call for an appointment to discuss your exercise options today.