Important Thyroid Information

Important Thyroid Information From a Greenville SC Thyroid Clinic

Are you familiar with what your thyroid does? Or do you know why it’s so important to the overall functionality of your body? Chances are you have some basic information but don’t know as much as you should. With this being such an important gland, it’s crucial to gain a deeper understanding that will help you take better care of your health. The information below is a great place to get started, as it’s offered by a care provider who focuses on thyroid care.

What is the Thyroid?

When most people think of the thyroid, they immediately picture something in the body that can cause you to gain weight. While it’s true that weight gain is one of the most common symptoms that alert individuals to a thyroid problem, the gland itself is much more complex than that.

The shape of a butterfly, the thyroid is located near the bottom of the front of the neck. It’s quite small and is responsible for producing thyroid hormones that help control body temperature, metabolism, heart health, kidney function, brain function, muscle strength and more.

What Happens if the Thyroid Doesn’t Work Properly?

When the thyroid doesn’t work properly, it either releases too many or not enough hormones to the rest of the body. Due to the fact that, these hormones impact so many systems, a wide array of symptoms can be experienced when levels are not balanced. While these may not bother most individuals at first, they can become more severe as time goes on.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism (lack of enough thyroid hormones)

– Weight Gain

– Fatigue

– Hair Loss

– Sensitivity to Cold

– Constipation

– Dry Skin

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism (too many thyroid hormones)

– Weight Loss

– Puffy Eyes

– Enlarged Thyroid Gland

– Diarrhea

– Irritability

– Fast Heart Rate

Where Should You Go For Help if You Suspect a Problem?

It’s important to discuss your thyroid concerns during your routine physicals. However, seeing a care provider that focuses on comprehensive thyroid care in particular is critical to working towards optimal health. This is because traditional TSH tests that are given by many doctors simply don’t identify all the markers of a thyroid problem. This can leave underlying issues lurking in the background as they continue to exacerbate symptoms and further deteriorate your health.

When you see a care provider such as a functional wellness practitioner you’ll receive in-depth testing that looks at the reasons why your thyroid hormones are not balanced. By identifying these, your wellness practitioner can recommend drug-free solutions that help correct imbalances, heal dysfunctions, overcome deficits and address all other problems that are contributing to your symptoms. Through this, the body and thyroid will have what is needed to begin working like normal, which can naturally help improve or even eliminate symptoms.

Schedule your thyroid consultation today and learn how we may be able to help your thyroid symptoms.