How Diet Can Affect Thyroid Function

Greenville SC Thyroid Doctor Explains How Diet Can Affect Thyroid Function

Thyroid conditions are typically not simple matters. Many factors that may affect thyroid function are overlooked by conventional medicine, including diet. If you’re continuing to suffer with symptoms despite taking medication, one key that may help improve your quality of life is a focus on diet and nutrition.

Diet can have a huge impact on individuals struggling with hypothyroidism. A careful investigation of thyroid patients often reveals they are either sensitive to or intolerant of gluten and other foods. Food allergies and sensitivities can result in inflammation when the triggering foods (or food additives) are consumed. Inflammation can take the more obvious form of a rash or hives, but it can also result in gastrointestinal problems, brain fog, mood disturbances, joint pain, sleep problems and much more.

Individuals working with a conventional healthcare provider for thyroid conditions are rarely evaluated for food sensitivities. Typically, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels are checked, test results are interpreted, and thyroid medication is prescribed to ‘correct’ a thyroid problem. Meanwhile, inflammation related to diet continues to cause uncomfortable and even debilitating symptoms. Medications do not address the root causes of thyroid conditions, including any dietary issues.

Allergies and sensitivities to foods are only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to thyroid function. Another problem that relates to diet is nutritional deficiencies. It’s not uncommon for individuals who have thyroid problems to also have nutritional deficiencies. One reason why relates to the digestive system. Inflammation can impair the body’s ability to absorb nutrients, so even the healthiest diet may not help thyroid patients. Thyroid patients may be deficient in omega-3 fats, zinc, selenium, Vitamin A, Vitamin D and more.

What are some of the most common sources of inflammation resulting from food sensitivities or allergies? Gluten is at the top of the list. Wheat, oats, barley and rye as well as all foods that contain them are sources of gluten. It can be very difficult to eliminate gluten from the diet without adequate information on how to look for it, because it’s contained in so many food products.

If you’d like to find out if inflammation related to diet and nutrition are affecting your thyroid condition, consult with a functional wellness practitioner. It is virtually impossible to address the complexity of factors that may be impacting your thyroid function and your health without the help of someone trained to do so. Too narrow a focus isn’t likely to help you feel better, and neither is a half-hazard one based on guesswork.

A functional wellness practitioner will evaluate your condition thoroughly to gain a comprehensive picture of exactly what is going on with your thyroid and your overall health. It’s then possible for the practitioner to create a step-by-step, customized therapeutic plan that can help you reduce any inflammatory responses due to diet and any other issues contributing to your condition. The goal will be to help you achieve optimal health and to learn how you can sustain it long-term.

Schedule your FREE thyroid consultation today and learn how we may be able to help your thyroid symptoms.