7 Signs You May Have Hypothyroidism

Greenville SC Thyroid Doctor Shares 7 Signs You May Have Hypothyroidism

One of the most common chronic conditions that millions of people suffer from today is hypothyroidism. This occurs when the thyroid gland does not make an adequate amount of thyroid hormones. Unfortunately because these hormones are necessary for the body to function properly, this can result in a number of unpleasant symptoms.

Not sure if the symptoms you’ve experienced are signs of this condition? Take a look at the 7 signs of hypothyroidism below to see how many apply to you. If you find that you can relate to one or many, then it’s important to seek help from a functional wellness practitioner as soon as possible.

1. You’re Fatigued

Your body relies on thyroid hormones to produce energy, which is why you’ll feel fatigued if you’re suffering from hypothyroidism. You may notice that you feel tired, weak, and generally exhausted, even if you don’t do any activities that are particularly draining.

2. Your Skin Is Dry

One thing most people aren’t aware of is the fact that the skin relies on thyroid hormones to function. This is why a decreased amount of hormones can cause the skin to become flaky and dry. You may also notice that your skin doesn’t heal as quickly as it did before and that your scalp is dry and flaky as well.

3. Your Hair Is Thinning

When your body isn’t receiving enough thyroid hormones it can begin to shut down to conserve energy, and hair growth is one of the areas that may start to slow first. Usually you’ll notice this when your hair begins to thin. You may also notice if your nails become brittle.

4. Mood Changes

When the body doesn’t have enough thyroid hormones most of the systems will turn down to low. This can greatly affect your mood and make you feel down rather than like your normal self.

5. You’re Constipated

While unpleasant, constipation is a very common symptom of hypothyroidism. This is because slowed hormone production can result in a slowed digestive system.

6. You’re Forgetful

When your vital organs, like your brain, don’t receive enough thyroid hormones, they will begin to slow. This can cause you to have brain fog and become forgetful rather than feel on top of things.

7. You’ve Gained Weight

Weight gain is a red flag that alerts many people that they may have a thyroid problem. This is because the thyroid affects the body’s metabolism and can slow it down considerably. Unfortunately this means it can be difficult to lose weight as well.

Dealing with Hypothyroidism

Naturally dealing with a chronic condition like this is something that takes time, dedication, and a strong understanding of your body. By making an appointment with a functional wellness practitioner, you will receive the in-depth testing and comprehensive care that’s needed to determine the underlying cause of your hypothyroidism symptoms. This can help you effectively manage your health and may even prevent your symptoms from getting worse.

Schedule your FREE thyroid consultation today and learn how we may be able to help your thyroid symptoms.