What is Hashimoto’s?

Greenville SC Thyroid Doctor Answers: What is Hashimoto’s?

If you suffer from hypothyroidism (a low thyroid), then it’s likely you’ve heard the term “Hashimotos disease” mentioned in passing. For most, it’s something they’ve heard of but don’t actually know what it is or how it works. Are you wondering if this could be related to your low thyroid problem? Instead of brushing this problem off, it’s crucial to learn more about this disease and what to do if you suspect it could be impacting your health. Some of the most important information about this disease is below, including who to see for help dealing with it.

What is Hashimoto’s Disease?

While the big name might make you think it’s difficult to understand, it’s actually simple. Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to attack tissues within the body. Unfortunately for many, this includes the thyroid. With chronic damage caused by the immune system, this can inhibit the thyroid’s ability to function properly. As a result, it can begin to decrease production of thyroid hormones that the body needs in order to function properly.

What Causes Hashimoto’s?

Unlike other diseases, the exact cause of Hashimoto’s is not known. However, there are factors that can play a role in whether or not someone is impacted by it, which include:

– Genetics

There has been some connection between family members with autoimmune diseases and those with Hashimoto’s.

– Gender

Studies have found that Hashimoto’s affects seven times as many women as men, especially the first year after giving birth.

– Increased Exposure to Iodine

Some research has found that too much iodine can trigger this disease in those who are susceptible.
Is This Impacting Your Health?

If you’re like most people, then you’ve only gone to your traditional care provider to receive help for your low thyroid problem. While this is important, it’s not common for traditional physicians to check their patients for Hashimoto’s. This is due to the fact that they don’t actually address the underlying cause of the problem at all. For most, their goal is to provide you with medications that will help improve thyroid function so your body can begin to restore. Unfortunately if you suffer from Hashimoto’s, no medications will be effective because the immune system will continue to attack your thyroid.

Help for Hashimoto’s

To get more accurate information on whether this disease is impacting your health, it’s recommended to meet with a functional wellness practitioner. These health care providers prioritize finding the root cause of thyroid problems and will discuss this auto-immune disease with you in length. Additionally, your wellness practitioner will provide you with a range of comprehensive tests and exams that give them an accurate picture of your overall health in addition to your thyroid health. By doing so, they will be able to help you in a much more effective manner.

Schedule your FREE thyroid consultation today and learn how we may be able to help your thyroid symptoms.