Low Thyroid Clinic Greenville SC
Patients who suffer from a thyroid condition are often plagued with symptoms like chronic fatigue, irritability, brain fog, hair loss, constipation, anxiety, joint pain, headaches, dry skin and depression. Unfortunately, these types of symptoms can often be attributed to other health concerns and so many people don’t realize that they have a thyroid disorder. It’s important to know that if a thyroid disorder remains untreated, symptoms can gradually get worse over time. For many patients symptoms can become very debilitating.
It’s very common that a patient who is taking thyroid medication may still experience their symptoms. The reason for this is that the root cause of the thyroid condition has not yet been determined. Medication actually only serves one of the thyroid markers that can be causing your condition. This can be very frustrating for patients, especially when medication can also sometimes leave them feeling worse.
The good news is that there are answers and effective solutions out there for you. Functional wellness is offering patients safe, effective and natural care that is achieving them long-term results. Functional wellness is patient-centered care that is designed to teach the patient how to manage their condition for a lifetime. This approach treats the body as a whole and not as isolated symptoms.
By determining the root cause of your thyroid disorder, these practitioners create customized care that is tailored to your specific needs. This is not the “one size fits all” approach that you may have been used to in the past. The goal is for you to become independently healthy and this in turns empowers you to take charge of your own health.
Long-term results are achieved through education about your condition, coaching through the recovery process, and support that goes beyond your recovery program. This practitioner partners with you to get you back on the path to wellness. You will appreciate the personal attention and one on one contact that you receive when you work with this type of provider. You owe it to yourself to find the best care for your thyroid condition.