Help for Low Thyroid

Help for Low Thyroid in Greenville SC There are many great general care providers who can help their patients with colds, the flu, and general health concerns. However, most of these care providers are limited with how they can help low thyroid patients. While they may be able to provide traditional TSH testing, chances are,…
Help for Thyroid Complications

Help for Thyroid Complications in Greenville SC A thyroid that isn’t functioning properly can lead to a wide array of complications for both men and women. While for some these are mild, for others they can be severe. No matter which category you fall into, it’s important to make your health a priority and see…
Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Low Thyroid Symptoms

Greenville SC Low Thyroid Doctor Explains Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Low Thyroid Symptoms When you have a mild cold, you may be able to get away with ignoring your symptoms until they naturally go away. However, with more serious health issues, such as a low thyroid, ignoring the problem is never an effective way of…
Natural Thyroid Care

Natural Thyroid Care In Greenville SC Most people are accustomed to a medical model that focuses on symptoms and alleviating them as quickly as possible, often through medications. You visit the doctor with a painful earache and fever, and after minimal evaluation, you’ll likely be put on antibiotics to eliminate infection and told to take…
Symptoms of Low Thyroid

Greenville SC Thyroid Doctor Explains Symptoms of Low Thyroid Low thyroid symptoms are often thrown around to the point where many people are mistaken as to what they actually are. Unfortunately, this misunderstanding and confusion can lead to overlooking a potential thyroid issue, which is something each individual should work to avoid. If you want…
5 Signs You Might Have Low Thyroid

Greenville SC Thyroid Clinic Shares 5 Signs You Might Have Low Thyroid Are you concerned about low thyroid due to a family history of thyroid issues or advancing age? It’s smart to have thyroid function properly evaluated, because thyroid problems do often go undetected. Often there are no signs, or symptoms may be so subtle,…