Can Functional Wellness Care Help With Low Thyroid?

Best Greenville SC Thyroid Doctor Answers – Can Functional Wellness Care Help With Low Thyroid?

Low thyroid is a chronic health condition that can cause symptoms that are uncomfortable, distressing, or debilitating. Weight gain and an inability to lose weight, fatigue, a lack of energy, difficulties with sleep and depression aren’t uncommon with hypothyroidism. These and other symptoms may continue to disrupt people’s lives even after they are under the care of a health practitioner. If you have low thyroid, you may need more than medication to feel better and support that goes beyond the status quo to improve your health.

Functional wellness care is a safe, effective alternative or complementary health care for the successful management of thyroid conditions. Proper care and support for thyroid problems almost always involves more than having some blood work done and taking thyroid hormones in the form of medication. The thyroid is intertwined with multiple systems in the body: the digestive system, immune system, circulatory system and musco-skeletal system all may be involved in a thyroid dysfunction—and that’s not all. Low thyroid can affect brain chemistry in profound ways, too, in addition to hormone balance. The thyroid is also involved in body temperature regulation and energy production.

Simply trying to replace ‘missing’ thyroid hormones does not take into account all of the ways your body may be affected by low thyroid. The vast majority of low thyroid patients have an underlying autoimmune condition known as Hashimoto’s disease. Problems with the gut and nutrient absorption, toxicity, food sensitivities or allergies, inflammation and much more may need to be addressed in order to restore balance and support healing throughout your body.

In standard medicine, thyroid disorders are often identified and monitored through blood work that involves testing TSH or thyroid stimulating hormone levels. A practitioner who is trained in functional wellness care will go beyond examining one or even a handful of markers for low thyroid. Instead, comprehensive testing will be used to determine exactly what is going on with the patient’s thyroid and much more. Testing can reveal the underlying causes for low thyroid, whether it is autoimmune disease or something else. It can point to how and why symptoms are occurring and how the patient may best be helped.

Once the reasons for poor thyroid function and symptoms are identified, it’s possible to address them so the patient’s health improves. Symptoms then fade naturally as the body begins to heal and recover. This is best achieved through natural care such as lifestyle interventions, nutritional support and other specific therapies that are customized for each patient’s needs uniquely.

This is the type of comprehensive and customized care that is provided by functional wellness practitioners. It’s care for the whole person, not just the thyroid. If you’re seeking long-term relief from stubborn low thyroid symptoms that goes beyond any need for medication, functional wellness care may be the ideal solution.

Schedule your FREE thyroid consultation today and learn how we may be able to help your thyroid symptoms.