Top Rated Wellness Care For Low Thyroid

Top Rated Wellness Care For Low Thyroid In Greenville SC

Functional wellness thyroid care is a great choice for many patients—especially ones who continue to suffer with symptoms, even though they’re on medication and their TSH levels have been normalized. If you’ve been told you’re ‘fine,’ but still suffer with symptoms such as moodiness, extreme fatigue and joint pain, thyroid care from a chiropractor is an alternative to consider.

The big difference between functional wellness care and traditional medical care for thyroid conditions is in the approach. In the traditional medical model, the main problem for low thyroid patients is an insufficient level of thyroid hormone. This deficiency affects the body in the form of symptoms, which can be alleviated by restoring thyroid hormone to appropriate levels through medication.

Wellness practitioners aim to help patients feel better too, but their concerns are broader, as they’re interested in function. For example, if the cells in your body are unable to recognize or utilize thyroid hormone due to dysfunction, normalized TSH levels won’t reflect successful therapy. If the main cause of your low thyroid symptoms is actually inflammation and an autoimmune disorder, focusing on thyroid hormone levels may very well fail to make you feel better.

Identifying causes of any functional problems within the body is something functional wellness practitioners are well trained to do. This involves a much more in depth, comprehensive approach to thyroid care than many patients typically encounter in traditional medicine.

It’s also entirely possible with the right evaluative techniques to assess degrees of function among systems of the body, so they are not simply considered like a switch turned on or off. An approach that addresses function comprehensively allows for the possibility of restoration of function, or at the very least, improvements in it, by degrees. Wellness practitioners utilize a variety of therapy options to help improve function within their patients’ bodies’ systems, including nutritional and dietary support and lifestyle modifications.

There’s one more important reason to consider opting for wellness care if you’re struggling with ongoing symptoms, and that’s the potential you’ll be steered even further down the wrong path if you feel unwell, but are continually told that based on lab values, “You’re fine.”

Patients who do not respond well to medical care for low thyroid that involves medications are often told, they have another problem—it’s not the thyroid. It may be a problem that’s difficult to pinpoint with evaluative lab tests, such as fibromyalgia, depression or premenopause. This other condition now requires further medication to manage if you want to feel well. Unfortunately, each additional medication may come with an unwanted set of new side effects, while at the same time, the real reason you’re experiencing symptoms is ignored, possibly worsening your condition.

The great news is, thyroid care doesn’t have to involve a one-size fits all approach that’s limited in scope and therapy options. Wellness practitioners offer the comprehensive care that can make all the difference, allowing you to finally regain a level of health that enables you to live symptom free.

Schedule your FREE thyroid consultation today and learn how we may be able to help your thyroid symptoms.