How You Can Manage Symptoms Of Hashimoto’s

Greenville SC Thyroid Clinic Explains How You Can Manage Symptoms Of Hashimoto’s

Hashimoto’s disease can severely disrupt your life with symptoms like extreme fatigue, insomnia, joint or muscle pain, skin conditions, extreme fluctuations in body temperature, anxiety or depression, and more. The longer you go without proper care for this condition, the worse your symptoms are likely to be, and the more damage done to your thyroid. But whether you’ve been under the care of a physician or not, there is a lot that can be done to help you begin to feel better.

The standard approach to Hashimoto’s symptoms within conventional medicine involves medication. You may be advised to use medicated creams for skin rashes or hives, given antidepressants or sleep medicines, and almost certainly you’ll be put on a thyroid medication like Synthroid or Levoxyl. But if you want real relief from discomforting or debilitating symptoms, medications are not necessarily the best solution. There’s another way to manage your condition that may be much more efficient and effective.

The biggest factor behind many Hashimoto’s symptoms is often assumed to be a deficiency in thyroid hormones due to thyroid malfunction. If your thyroid is damaged to a significant degree and truly is not functioning properly, you may need thyroid medication. However, it is not likely to do what it is intended to do or to be utilized properly by the body unless your autoimmune condition is brought under control.

To calm the symptoms of Hashimoto’s, it’s essential to know what is causing them. Oftentimes, Hashimoto’s patients have significant problems with inflammation. Inflammation in the gut is common, and what’s needed are dietary changes that facilitate gut health and repair. If you have leaky gut syndrome, an imbalance in gut bacteria, problems with constipation or diarrhea or any other of a number of potential gut issues, your body may be reacting to triggering foods, toxins or other substances you’re ingesting.

A functional wellness practitioner will investigate all possibilities to determine what is behind your gut problem. Whether it’s a food sensitivity or exposure to something in your environment or something else entirely, once the source is determined, it can be addressed and managed. When inflammation is controlled and the gut begins to heal, the result is an increase in the ability to absorb nutrients. When your body can obtain and absorb the nutrients it needs for proper function, everything begins to operate more smoothly.

Some Hashimoto’s symptoms are hormone related. They reflect an imbalance in hormones that can be corrected to a large degree through dietary changes and lifestyle interventions. Replacing one hormone will never be as effective for symptom relief as bringing all of your hormones into balance, because they do not function in isolation. They work together, and wellness depends to a large degree on their balanced interplay.

Hashimoto’s disease is a complex condition that takes deep investigation and careful analysis to sort out. To get the best results possible and achieve maximum symptom relief, seek out the support of a practitioner who is experienced and trained in functional wellness.

Schedule your FREE thyroid consultation today and learn how we may be able to help your thyroid symptoms.