Hashimoto’s Doctor

Hashimoto’s Doctor in Greenville SC

Although Hashimoto’s disease has become more well-known in recent years, care for it is not as mainstream as patients would like. While you can see your regular physician for help, chances are they won’t be able to address this issue in a comprehensive manner. This is when it’s important to seek help from an alternative care provider, such as a functional wellness practitioner. Their deep understanding of Hashimoto’s and in-depth approach to care is a winning combination in helping you learn the tools needed to lead a healthy and comfortable life.

Why is it Important to Address Hashimoto’s Disease?

When Hashimoto’s is not addressed, most symptoms you’re experiencing will continue to get worse over time. In addition to this, lack of care can also put you at a higher risk of an enlarged heart, slowed mental function, and even heart failure. The best thing you can do for your health, even if you’ve had this condition for years, is to listen to your body and begin taking your symptoms seriously.

How a Functional Wellness Practitioner Can Help

Functional wellness practitioners look at your health a little differently than traditional care providers. It’s for this reason that they’re excellent choices for helping you address Hashimoto’s in a more effective manner. A few ways they can help you include:

– Evaluate Your Health

Hashimoto’s disease is complex, which is why it’s so important to work with a care provider who offers in-depth testing. Functional wellness practitioners will give you the tests that are needed to learn more about what’s going on inside so even the smallest issues can be identified. Once this happens, they’ll determine which solutions are the best and will benefit your overall health the most.

– Find Your Triggers

Hashimoto’s disease can be triggered by a wide range of different things, depending on the person and their health. This is why testing is necessary, as it can identify imbalances, food sensitivities, deficiencies, infections, or many other health issues that are contributing to this condition. Functional wellness practitioners leave no stone unturned when it comes to finding what your individual triggers are. Their ultimate goal is to help you find a balance so you can live more comfortably every day.

– Monitor Changes

As you continue care with a functional wellness practitioner, they’ll regularly schedule appointments to update your test results. This helps ensure your health is progressing in the right direction and you’re making changes that truly benefit you.

Working with a Hashimoto’s Care Provider

When you work with a functional wellness practitioner you’ll quickly learn more about your body and what role Hashimoto’s has played in your overall health. They’ll walk you through the solutions that can help you live healthier and will monitor your progress to ensure success. Although they may not offer the traditional approach to healthcare, their way of doing things is incredibly effective and can be helpful for Hashimoto’s disease when you need it the most.

Schedule your FREE thyroid consultation today and learn how we may be able to help your thyroid symptoms.