Finding A Hashimoto’s Clinic

Finding A Greenville SC Hashimoto’s Clinic

When you are told that you have Hashimoto’s disease, you can become overwhelmed. It can be confusing to process all of the details which surround a specific health condition. You may have many questions about Hashimoto’s disease, such as where it came from, or how long you will have it. During your appointment, your mind may have been swirling with questions which you promptly forgot as you tried to focus on what your practitioner was saying.

The good news is that if you have a functional wellness practitioner who is kind, caring, and professional, they are happy to welcome you for another appointment where you can bring a list of questions that you’ve thought of. You can also bring a support person to your appointment because sometimes it is good to have two sets of ears listening as the practitioner speaks.  If two people are listening, then there is a smaller chance of something being misunderstood or forgotten.

Do you know about the history of Hashimoto’s disease? It was only “discovered” about one hundred years ago. A more accurate word would be “described” since of course the disease existed before it was discovered. A doctor named Hakaru Hashimoto first described the condition in 1912, and his paper was published in medical journals. It described people who lived in areas of the world without a lot of iodine, and who had low thyroid that was surprisingly not caused by a lack of iodine. This is because their low thyroid was caused by an autoimmune condition, not a dietary deficiency. Since he first described the condition, it was named after him.

Hashimoto’s disease is the most common cause of low thyroid, though low thyroid can be caused by other factors. Some factors include being born without a thyroid, having thyroid cancer which impairs thyroid function, or having your thyroid removed completely due to cancer or injury. Even though these examples show a lack of an actual thyroid, the person is still described as being in a state of “low thyroid.”

But where does Hashimoto’s disease come from? It appears to possibly have a genetic cause, so if you have family members with it, your chance of developing it are greater. It has also been suggested that if you are genetically more likely to develop Hashimoto’s disease, you can try to avoid consuming too much iodine, because too much can be just as harmful as too little. Make sure you don’t become deficient in selenium as well. For more specific guidelines concerning the proper amount of vitamins and minerals, it is important that you ask your practitioner for their input. It is not good to have too much or too little of any one substance. Your practitioner can help you achieve optimal balance.

Hashimoto’s disease is a chronic condition. This means that it will most likely affect you for the rest of your life. But as long as you have regular visits and monitoring with your functional wellness practitioner, and keep the lines of communication open if you feel that your symptoms are worsening, they can help you live a happy life with the highest level of wellness possible. Have your symptoms worsened or changed? Have you noticed a new symptom? If so, it is time to pick up the phone and call for an appointment. Don’t delay; call today.

Schedule your FREE thyroid consultation today and learn how we may be able to help your thyroid symptoms.